M.E. McClain

7 records found

Sustainable and resilient agriculture is essential for global food security, especially in the Majority World, where agriculture is vital not only for food security but also for income security, employing a large portion of the population. Given agriculture's dependence on water ...

The River Rotte Fish Migration Project

A bayesian Network approach for fish habitat suitability

The political interest in fish habitat suitability and, consequently, of fish populations has increased. The fish habitat suitability is a key factor for successful ecological restoration, for example via dam removal and implementation of fish passage. Furthermore, the fish popul ...
In order to find the possibilities of implementation of e-flows in Dutch water management, it is necessary to first explore the current role of e-flows in projects, plans and policies. Data collection is primarily done through interviews. In addition to this, analysis of policy d ...

What Wets the Wetlands?

Reconstructing the Mara Wetland surface water dynamics through coupling satellite derived inundation patterns with hydrological field data

The Mara Wetland in Tanzania has an important role in regulating the quality, timing and magnitude of the flow of water into Lake Victoria. In addition, the wetland provides natural resources for local communities and habitat for variety of species. The planned dam construction u ...

Parched Kaveri

A preliminary assessment of flow alteration and ecological condition of sub-basins of Kaveri river using global datasets

Freshwater biodiversity is in a state of crisis with an annual decline rate of 3.9% compared to 1.1% decline in terrestrial biodiversity (Living Planet Index). The actual decline rate may be higher than estimated as many of the species are data deficient or not yet assessed or be ...

Determining Mexican climate-adaptive environmental flows reference values for people and nature

A hydrology-based approach for preventive environmental water allocation

Environmental flows (e-flows) science has significantly advanced in the last decades. In Mexico, a standard for e-flow assessments was recently published as a regulatory instrument to support water planning and management. However, the appropriateness of the technical procedure i ...
Worldwide, dam reservoirs loose over one percent of their storage capacity every year due to sedimentation. Proper management is therefore urgent. While drawdown flushing is considered an effective method to remove sediments from the reservoir, the increased sediment flux has an ...