Robert McCall

5 records found

Artificial Reefs: Effects on Wave Transformation and In-Canopy Flow

Insights from Large-Scale Wave Flume Experiments of a Fringing Reef

Coral reefs play a crucial role in coastal protection and ecosystem sustainability. However, they face increasing threats from sea-level rise, ocean warming, and acidification. While coral reef restoration is often proposed as a means to reduce coastal hazards, there remains insu ...
Over 30% of the world's coastline consists of permafrost and large sections of these coasts are subject to erosion. In the Arctic, unlike with temperate low-latitude coastlines, thermal processes affect erosion mechanisms. There is a lack of long-term predictive capability of mor ...
Many tropical, coral reef-lined coasts, are low-lying with elevations less than five meters above mean sea level. Climate-change-driven sea level rise, coral reef decay and changes in (storm) wave climate will lead to greater chance and impacts of wave-driven flooding, posing a h ...

Numerical Modelling of Beach Recovery Following a Storm Event

A Hybrid Behavioural / Process-Based Approach

The present thesis describes the development of a hybrid behavioural / process-based and wave-averaged model (XBeach Surfbeat) that successfully predicts the recovery of the subaerial beach at Narrabeen Beach, Australia, following a severe storm erosion in April 2015. Two model i ...
Spurs-and-grooves (SAG) are a common and impressive characteristic of shallow fore reef areas worldwide. Although the existence and geometrical properties of SAG are well-documented ever since the 50’s, the literature concerning specifically the hydrodynamics around them is spars ...