The aim of this work is to preliminary model a hybrid propulsion system that integrates fuel cells and a turbo-generator. The model is used to predict the performance of the propulsion system where parameters such as fuel consumption, and component efficiencies are monitored thro
The aim of this work is to preliminary model a hybrid propulsion system that integrates fuel cells and a turbo-generator. The model is used to predict the performance of the propulsion system where parameters such as fuel consumption, and component efficiencies are monitored throughout a given eVTOL mission. Based on the analysed performance, the maximum payload the eVTOL can carry is estimated. With a fuel cell voltage efficiency of 43%, an eVTOL of MTOW of 3175 kg and a structural weight of 1905 can carry a maximum of 174 kg as a payload. The eVTOL propulsion system weights approximately 1041 kg, to which the fuel cell and its balance of plant components contributes the highest with 819 kg, where the turbogenerator contributes with 222 kg. According to the models prediction, the payload can be increased to approximately 200 kg , if a compressor efficiency of 85% was used.