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R.P.B.J. Dollevoet

7 records found

Railway transition zones represent a significant challenge due to abrupt variations in substructure properties, leading to differences in vertical strain. These differences cause the wheel-rail dynamic interaction to get excited, which can cause passenger discomfort, track deteri ...

Assessment of turnout crossing degradation

Using in-service passenger train axle box accelerations

This thesis explores the use of Axle Box Accelerations (ABA) in passenger trains as a means to monitor and assess the structural health of railway turnouts, particularly the crossings. The increasing demand for higher capacity, speed, and axle loads, coupled with reduced maintena ...

De statische wissel

De wissel die nooit faalt

Dit rapport behandelt een wissel die geen bewegende delen bezit en hierdoor geen controle circuit nodig heeft. Het rapport bezit een analyse van verschillende bestaande wissels en wisselconcepten, beide in hoofdspoor en tramspoor, om een evaluatie te geven van elk concept. Op dez ...
Track quality measures differ from standard to standard. Widely used indices for track quality are the standard deviations of the rail longitudinal level data and the standard deviations of alignment data. Researchers have opted for various learning methods as to relate track qua ...

Dynamic behaviour of slab track on pile foundation

Analysis method based on dynamic behaviour of a high-speed slab track and settlements in the substructure

In this master thesis the behaviour of a high speed railway track constructed on top of a pile foundation with settlements under a dynamic load has been analysed. Therefore, a model was developed in the software program DARTS, dynamic analysis of rail track structures. In DARTS t ...
For railway travel the Insulated Rail Joint (IRJ) is a critical part in most railway safety systems but at the same time also considered a weak link. The IRJ creates a discontinuity in stiffness and geometry that leads to wheel-rail impact forces. The angled IRJ is a proposal to ...

Assessing crossing geometry

Expert tool for numerical and experimental assessment of turnout crossing geometry

This thesis project discusses the development of a fast assessment tool for the performance of railway turnout crossings. The assessment tool is developed in Matlab and allows the user to swiftly set up a model and assess the performance. The rail geometry input can be either des ...