This thesis continues the investigation in the direction of exploring the potential regarding the use of Topology Optimization techniques for the design of cast glass structures. Previous theses in TU Delft have underlined the large potential for the design of these megaliths, bu
This thesis continues the investigation in the direction of exploring the potential regarding the use of Topology Optimization techniques for the design of cast glass structures. Previous theses in TU Delft have underlined the large potential for the design of these megaliths, but at the same time they have also underlined the strong limitations that derive from the use of commercial software as the tool for it.
The limitations are directly related to the brittle nature of glass which results in significantly different behavior regarding its maximum tensile and compressive allowable limits. This renders fundamental to be able to evaluate both of these criteria during the optimization process. If this is not possible, as it was the case in the previous theses, a secondary (post-processing) phase should be integrated in the process in order to alleviate the peak stresses that may occur in the structure. This increases significantly the time and effort needed for the design and, therefore, it was underlined as an issue to be tackled in further exploration.
This thesis aspires to address this problem with the creation of a customized optimization tool that takes all the structural constraints into consideration and, additionally, integrates the criteria specifically related to the glass manufacturing process, such as the overall annealing time needed. The tool is created in Matlab with the use of Finite Element Method equations in order to develop the structural model. The results of the structural analysis were validated through comparison with results obtained through ANSYS.
The literature review covers a wide scope of topics. Firstly, the glass properties and the casting process are investigated in order to properly indicate the criteria and constraints that arise in every phase. The second part refers to topology optimization. A comparative review of the different algorithmic methodologies is realized and SIMP is selected as the most appropriate for the project. Additionally, the different categories of formulation for the optimization problem – stress, compliance and volume based – are discussed in order to select the appropriate objective and constraints. At the same time, a review of the previous theses is realized in order to indicate which method was used in every case and how the constraints were integrated in the process every time.
In the end two different algorithms are developed based on two different problem formulations; one with compliance objective and a second one with volume objective. The aim is to investigate if the volume objective optimization can be a robust alternative to the classical compliance approach leading to more lightweight structures which at the same time fulfill the criteria regarding their feasibility to be manufactured.
Firstly, the performance of the algorithm in relation to each objective and constraint individually is evaluated though application in a smaller scale benchmark problem. The results showed that all the setups work and, therefore, they can be used for the final design experiments. However, it also indicated that some constraints, such as stress, cannot be applied individually but they always have to be combined with another constraint that guides the optimization in order to lead in a reasonable result. Afterwards, a combination of objective and constraints for each of the two aforementioned formulations – compliance and volume - is tested and applied in the case study example which refers to a slab that serves as a small pedestrian bridge inside the British Museum.
The results validate the estimation that a volume-based problem formulation can offer a robust result which resembles the result obtained from the traditional compliance-based formulation. Moreover, the result in the volume-based case is clearer and sharper and for this reason it was selected in the end for implementation in the final design. The formulation is then used in combination with different glass types, boundary conditions and design domain in order to conclude to the final shape of the slab.