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A Ziegler
Academic Work (5)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (3)
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5 records found
Motion compensated iterative reconstruction of a region of interest in cardiac cone-beam CT
Journal article (2010) -
AA Isola (author)
A Ziegler (author)
A Schafer (author)
T Kohler (author)
W.J. Niessen (author)
W. J. Niessen (author)
Wiro J. Niessen (author)
WJ Niessen (author)
Wiro Niessen (author)
M Grass (author)
Efficient projection model for blobs in motion-compensated iterative cone-beam CT
Conference paper (2009) -
AA Isola (author)
A Ziegler (author)
T Kohler (author)
W. J. Niessen (author)
WJ Niessen (author)
W.J. Niessen (author)
Wiro J. Niessen (author)
Wiro Niessen (author)
Motion compensated literative reconstruction of a cardiac region of interest for CT
Conference paper (2008) -
AA Isola (author)
A Ziegler (author)
T Koehler (author)
U van Stevendaal (author)
D Schäfer (author)
W.J. Niessen (author)
W. J. Niessen (author)
Wiro J. Niessen (author)
Wiro Niessen (author)
WJ Niessen (author)
M Grass (author)
Motion-compensated iterative cone-beam CT image reconstruction with adapted blobs as basis functions
Journal article (2008) -
AA Isola (author)
A Ziegler (author)
T Koehler (author)
Wiro J. Niessen (author)
Wiro Niessen (author)
W. J. Niessen (author)
W.J. Niessen (author)
WJ Niessen (author)
M Grass (author)
Absolute metabolite quantificaton by in vivo NMR spectroscopy: IV Multi-center trial on MRSI location test
Journal article (1998) -
WMJJ Bovee (author)
R Canese (author)
F Podo (author)
J Slotboom (author)
B Vikhoff (author)
A Ziegler (author)
M Decorps (author)
E Forssell-Aronsson (author)
Y Le Fur (author)
F Howe (author)
OT Karlsen (author)
G Kontaxis (author)
H Kugel (author)
M Mclean (author)