Energy transition is imperative to effectively address the pressing issue of climate change resulting from global warming. In this transition, offshore wind power assumes a pivotal role as a crucial and indispensable source of clean and renewable energy. Offshore benefits become
Energy transition is imperative to effectively address the pressing issue of climate change resulting from global warming. In this transition, offshore wind power assumes a pivotal role as a crucial and indispensable source of clean and renewable energy. Offshore benefits become more pronounced as the offshore locations progress far offshore. In deep-water areas, where 80% of the worldwide offshore wind energy can be potentially harnessed, the utilization of floating foundations becomes essential instead of traditional bottom fixed ones. The present study seeks to investigate the disparities in power generation and energy production that arise from the replacement of bottom fixed wind turbines with floating counterparts. The former is represented by the monopile foundation, while the latter by the spar buoy. The power performance difference lies in the ability of floating structures to move, which can lead to suboptimal positioning of the rotor relative to the incoming wind inflow, mainly due to spar’s pitch and surge motions. The investigation is conducted using two distinct aerodynamic model of lower and higher fidelities, BEM and OLAF, respectively, to assess their effects on the outcomes.
In the field of offshore wind turbine design, engineers rely on aero-hydro-servo-elastic software codes to simulate the dynamic behavior of floating offshore wind turbine systems in offshore environments. OpenFAST, an open-source software, has been extensively developed and validated for conducting such investigations. In this study, OpenFAST is employed to develop both floating and bottom fixed wind turbine models. Specifically, a coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic model of a floating spar wind turbine is created, and the simulated motion of the spar is compared with measurements obtained from an actual floating turbine deployed in the Hywind Scotland floating offshore wind farm. Metocean data, spar measurement data, and spar system descriptions are provided by Equinor to facilitate this benchmarking process. Additionally, an equivalent monopile wind turbine model is developed for energy yield comparison purposes.
The simulated spar motion results of the developed OpenFAST model exhibit reasonable realism when benchmarked with the measured data for all load cases and modal analysis, despite assumptions and uncertainties influencing the model's accuracy. Model discrepancies primarily stem from undisclosed wind turbine parameters and controller strategy as well as some modeling simplifications inherent in OpenFAST. Nevertheless, through statistical, time series and power spectral density comparisons against full-scale Hywind measurements encompassing various wind speeds (below-rated, rated, and above cut-out), the developed floating model is validated, thereby ensuring the reliability of its energy production outcomes.
It is observed that the spar’s pitch and surge mean offset is mostly affected by the current speeds while varying wave conditions (height and period) influence their oscillation amplitudes. Power is slightly affected by the ocean conditions, primarily the wave effects, while it is more strongly influenced by the spar nacelle’s velocity and direction relative to the incoming wind, especially when subjected to lower wind speed fields. Finally, for both BEM and OLAF simulations, monopile bottom fixed structures produce higher amounts of energy annually compared to the floating spar counterparts. The implementation of alternative controllers specifically designed for FOWT, with optimization objectives focused on either maximizing power performance or ensuring structural integrity and longevity, results in estimated AEP reductions when utilizing a spar floater instead of a monopile foundation. For the BEM model, the estimated AEP decrease ranges from 3.46% to 8.62%, depending on the specific controller optimization objective. On the other hand, when employing the VPM-OLAF model, the estimated AEP reduction for a spar floater compared to a monopile substructure ranges from 4.50% to 9.58%, under similar conditions as previously mentioned. By employing OLAF instead of BEM, the computed annual energy yield for both Bottom Fixed and Floating offshore wind turbines increases by approximately 25%.
In conclusion, it is recommended that future research prioritizes resolving identified discrepancies in the model setup, addressing phenomena not adequately captured by the current OpenFAST model, and conducting additional validation of the spar model using a wider range of measured parameters.