S. Boersma

24 records found

Active power control for wind farms is needed to provide ancillary services. One of these services is to track a power reference signal with a wind farm by dynamically de- and uprating the turbines. In this paper we present a closed-loop wind farm controller that evaluates 1) thr ...
In this paper, a model predictive control (MPC) is proposed for wind farms to minimize wake-induced power losses. A constrained optimization problem is formulated to maximize the total power production of a wind farm. The developed controller employs a two-dimensional dynamic win ...
The non-dispatchable variability of wind power production presents a substantial challenge to electric system operators who are assigned the task of balancing the demand and generation at each moment at the lowest possible cost while maintaining ultra-high system reliability. The ...
Electricity consumption is increasing on a global level. In 2017, non-renewable energy sources such as crude oil, natural gas and coal provided 76% of the required energy, while 24% came from renewable sources such as hydro, wind and solar. Non-renewable sources are finite becaus ...

Stochastic model predictive control

Uncertainty impact on wind farm power tracking

Active power control for wind farms is needed to provide ancillary services. One of these services is to track a power reference signal with a wind farm by dynamically de- and uprating the turbines. Due to the stochastic nature of the wind, it is necessary to take this stochastic ...
As the diameters of wind turbine rotors increase, the loads across the rotors are becoming more uneven due to inhomogeneous wind fields. Therefore, more advanced passive or active load reduction techniques are introduced to mitigate these uneven loads. Furthermore, measuring the ...
The objective of active power control in wind farms is to provide ancillary grid services. Improving this is vital for a smooth wind energy penetration in the energy market. One of these services is to track a power reference signal with a wind farm by dynamically de- and upratin ...
Wind farm control often relies on computationally inexpensive surrogate models to predict the dynamics inside a farm. However, the reliability of these models over the spectrum of wind farm operation remains questionable due to the many uncertainties in the atmospheric conditions ...
Wind farm control research typically relies on computationally inexpensive, surrogate models for real-time optimization. However, due to the large time delays involved, changing atmospheric conditions and tough-to-model flow and turbine dynamics, these surrogate models need const ...
Wind turbines are often sited together in wind farms as it is economically advantageous. Controlling the flow within wind farms to reduce the fatigue loads, maximize energy production and provide ancillary services is a challenging control problem due to the underlying time-v ...
In this paper, we present an implementation of a model predictive controller (MPC) for wind farm power tracking problem. The controller is evaluated in the high-fidelity PAral-lelized Large-eddy simulation Model (PALM). By taking measurements from PALM, we show that the closed-lo ...
In this paper, an adjoint-based model predictive control (AMPC) is proposed in order to provide active power control (APC) services of wind farms, even in the presence of problematic wake interactions. The control objective is defined to minimize wind farm power reference trackin ...
This work presents the next step in realizing lidar-based closed-loop wake redirection control. Lidar-based closed-loop wake redirection aims at repositioning the wake at a desired position by yawing the wind turbine. The actual wake deflection is derived from lidar measurements ...
For short-term power predictions and estimations of the available power during curtailment of a wind farm, it is necessary to consider the flow dynamics and aerodynamic interactions of the turbines. In this paper, a control-oriented dynamic two-dimensional wind farm model is intr ...
The focus of control research in wind energy has shifted more and more from individual wind turbines to wind farms due to the potential efficiency improvement in the energy production. In this work, the wind farm control concept “wake redirection” is further investigated. More pr ...

Adjoint-based model predictive control of wind farms

Beyond the quasi steady-state power maximization

In this paper, we extend our closed-loop optimal control framework for wind farms to minimize wake-induced power losses. We develop an adjoint-based model predictive controller which employs a medium-fidelity 2D dynamic wind farm model. The wind turbine axial induction factors ar ...
Currently, wind farms typically rely on greedy control, in which the individual turbine's structural loading and power are optimized. However, this often appears suboptimal for the whole wind farm. A promising solution is closed-loop wind farm control using state feedback algorit ...
Wind turbines are often sited together in wind farms as it is economically advantageous. However, the wake inevitably created by every turbine will lead to a time-varying interaction between the individual turbines. Common practice in industry has been to control turbines individ ...
Wind turbine wake redirection is a promising concept for wind farm control to increase the total power of a wind farm. Further, the concept aims to avoid partial wake overlap on a downwind wind turbine and hence aims to decrease structural loads. Controller for wake redirection n ...
Controlling the flow within wind farms, to increase the overall energy capture and to reduce the fatigue loads, is a challenging control problem due to its size and the underlying time-varying dynamics. State-of-the-art wind farm controllers follow the open-loop control paradigm ...