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P van der Vegt
Academic Work (13)
Abstract (7)
Conference paper (4)
Journal article (2)
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13 records found
The glaciogenic reservoir analogue studies project (grasp): An integrated approach to unravel genesis, infill and architecture of tunnel valleys reservoirs
Conference paper (2012) -
A Moscariello (author)
J Moreau (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
A. Janszen (author)
M Huuse (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
The glaciogenic unconformity of the southern North Sea
Journal article (2012) -
J Moreau (author)
M Huuse (author)
A. Janszen (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
Tunnel valleys: Current knowledge and future perspectives
Journal article (2012) -
P van der Vegt (author)
A. Janszen (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
The Pleistocene glacial record of NW Europe as analogue of the Upper Ordovician of North Africa
Conference paper (2011) -
A. Moscariello (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
A. Janszen (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
Glacial tunnel valleys: current knowledge and future perspectives
Abstract (2011) -
A. Moscariello (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
A. Janszen (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
Stratigraphic architecture of the Southern North Sea tunnel valleys
Abstract (2009) -
J Moreau (author)
M Huuse (author)
A. Janszen (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
P Gibbard (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
GRASP: Glaciogenic reservoir analogue study project
Conference paper (2009) -
A. Moscariello (author)
M Huuse (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
J Moreau (author)
A. Janszen (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
The glaciogenic reservoir analogue studies project: the Pleistocene Record on NW Europe as an analogue for the Prdovician system of North Africa
Abstract (2009) -
A. Moscariello (author)
A. Janszen (author)
J Moreau (author)
M Huuse (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
Glacial sedimentary systems and tunnel valleys of East Anglia, England
Abstract (2009) -
P van der Vegt (author)
P Gibbard (author)
A. Janszen (author)
J Moreau (author)
M Huuse (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
Sedimentological architecture of tunnel valley infill in Hamburg (NW Germany)
Abstract (2009) -
A. Janszen (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
J Moreau (author)
M Huuse (author)
P Gibbard (author)
Architecture and infill of tunnel valleys in the Southern North Sea and adjacent areas
Conference paper (2009) -
A. Janszen (author)
J Moreau (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
M Huuse (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
Tunnel valleys in the Hamburg area (nw Germany): genetic models, 3D architecture and analogues for groundwater and hydrocarbon reservoirs
Abstract (2008) -
A. Janszen (author)
A. Moscariello (author)
J Kröger (author)
J Ehlers (author)
J Moreau (author)
P van der Vegt (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
M Huuse (author)
Sedimentology, 3D architecture and genetic models for groundwater and hydrocarbon glaciogenic reservoirs: the glaciogenic reservoir analogue studies project
Abstract (2008) -
A. Moscariello (author)
M Huuse (author)
PL Gibbard (author)
A. Janszen (author)
J Moreau (author)
P van der Vegt (author)