As of today, reducing the anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases might be considered as humankind’s most pressing challenge. Moving away from fossil fuels to renewable energy technologies is an essential step, but will not suffice. The chemical industry is responsible for a si
As of today, reducing the anthropogenic release of greenhouse gases might be considered as humankind’s most pressing challenge. Moving away from fossil fuels to renewable energy technologies is an essential step, but will not suffice. The chemical industry is responsible for a significant 6.3% of all CO2 emissions, thus fossil-free chemicals production is also required. To that end, carbon capture and utilization (CCU) offers a way to reduce emissions in industrial processes, while converting captured CO2 into commodity and specialty chemicals. Under the umbrella of CCU technologies, microbial electrosynthesis (MES) offers a sustainable solution with minimal water usage and the capacity to increase the value of electrical energy produced from renewable sources.
The ability of microorganisms to accept and utilize electrons from an electrode to catalyze the reduction of CO2 is the basis of MES processes. Whilst significant progress on understanding its fundamentals has been achieved, performance improvements have been modest. To reach industrial viability, a major breakthrough is needed. Unraveling multi-scale interactions between microbial, electrochemical and engineering parameters within MES systems will allow for the rational design of scalable bioreactors. Still, it remains widely unknown what is limiting current setups. The work presented in this thesis aims to identify, understand, and tackle major key process parameters, allowing for a step-by-step design approach to develop scalable MES bioreactors.
How microorganisms adapt to changing operational parameters and different reactor environments was investigated in Chapter 2. A general framework for modeling microbial kinetics within MES reactors was developed, and results showed that CO2 availability may be a limiting factor in existing systems. An insufficient mass transfer capability led to partially limited biomass growth under reported operational conditions, either because of a low gas partial pressure or an inefficient gas delivery strategy. The dynamic reactor-scale model also revealed that in biofilm-driven reactors, a continuous operational mode markedly improved microbial growth and potentially led to denser biofilms and higher current densities. Simulations indicated distinct correlations between operational process conditions and critical performance indicators (e.g., productivity), underscoring existing process limitations and paving the way for future system optimization.
A major knowledge gap in MES is that biomass-specific rates such as microbial growth rates had not been experimentally elucidated and were thus unknown to date. In Chapter 3, a method using nitrogen balances and optical density to determine the amount of microorganisms in biofilm and in suspension at any given time was developed. This was necessary to allow further complex computational attempts, since biomass concentration was one of the major unmeasured variables within biofilm-based MES processes. Measured growth rates during the colonization stage ranged from 0.12 to 0.16 days-1, values in accordance with the ones obtained in previous mathematical simulations. Interestingly, results showed that biomass-specific production rates were relatively low (0.37 molC molX-1 day-1) when compared to syngas and chain elongation studies (up to 10 molC molX-1 day-1). Thus, this comparative analysis highlighted that there is room to significantly improve metabolic rates in MES.
After gaining insight on what major factors limit MES performance, a novel directedflow- through bioelectrochemical reactor (DFBR) with a serpentine flow-pattern entirely filled with a 3D carbon-based electrode was developed in Chapter 4. The elimination of free-flowing liquid in the cathode chamber allowed the DFBR design to substantially increase mass transfer as well as carbon and hydrogen utilization efficiencies. Results demonstrated a 3-fold higher volumetric current density (-28 ± 7 mA cm-3cathode) and productivity (43 ± 24 kgC m-3cathode day-1) than previously reported in biofilm-based MES studies. Most notably, volumetric productivities obtained were now comparable to lab-scale syngas fermentation, a technology that has been successfully scaled up to an industrial level. These findings serve as a milestone in developing MES and emphasize key design parameters for efficient bioelectrochemical CO2 reduction. Furthermore, results obtained with the novel DFBR design proved that a knowledge-driven step-by step approach allows for successful MES reactor development.
Collectively, this dissertation shows that it is possible to unravel the main limitations in currently used MES reactors. The subsequent utilization of such knowledge to design scalable reactors able to achieve industrially relevant performance is also demonstrated. Nonetheless, new challenges are sure to arise while further developing MES as a technology. Extensive research, accounting for a multiscale and multidisciplinary approach is therefore a must in order to bring MES to industrial production.