Roberto Oliveira
3 records found
The problem 2-LOCAL HAMILTONIAN has been shown to be complete for the quantum computational class QMA [1]. In this paper we show that this important problem remains QMA-complete when the interactions of the 2-local Hamiltonian are between qubits on a two-dimensional (2-D) square
We study the complexity of the Local Hamiltonian Problem (denoted as LH-MIN) in the special case when a Hamiltonian obeys the condition that all off-diagonal matrix elements in the standard basis are real and non-positive. We will call such Hamiltonians, which are common in the n
Suppose that Alice and Bob define their coordinate axes differently, and the change of reference frame between them is given by a probability distribution μ over SO(3). We show that this uncertainty of reference frame is of no use for bit commitment when μ is uniformly distribute