M.A. Ayala Valenzuela

4 records found

Inspired by the works in [2] and [11] we introduce what we call k-th-order fluctuation fields and study their scaling limits. This construction is done in the context of particle systems with the property of orthogonal self-duality. This type of duality provides us with a setting ...
We study the symmetric inclusion process (SIP) in the condensation regime. We obtain an explicit scaling for the variance of the density field in this regime, when initially started from a homogeneous product measure. This provides relevant new information on the coarsening dynam ...
This thesis is concerned with fluctuations of interacting particle systems that enjoy the property of duality. The main contributions of this work are divided in two main parts. In the first part we study some of the advantages of looking at the density fluctuation field through ...
We study fluctuation fields of orthogonal polynomials in the context of particle systems with duality. We thereby obtain a systematic orthogonal decomposition of the fluctuation fields of local functions, where the order of every term can be quantified. This implies a quantitativ ...