Fatigue life prediction models, used in the design and analysis of cyclic loaded structures, often require experimental data in order to interpolate or extrapolate fatigue behaviour to different loading conditions. Due to scatter in fatigue life data, as well as model input requi
Fatigue life prediction models, used in the design and analysis of cyclic loaded structures, often require experimental data in order to interpolate or extrapolate fatigue behaviour to different loading conditions. Due to scatter in fatigue life data, as well as model input requirements of several S-N curves, large numbers of experimental tests are needed. Consequently, fatigue life prediction is expensive in terms of both cost and time.
In this thesis, constant life diagrams are considered for the fatigue life prediction of carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy laminates subjected to T-T or T-C constant amplitude loading. Predictions are based solely on static strength data and on S-N curve data related to one conventional stress ratio R (R=0.1 or R=-1.0). Thereby, experimental efforts related to fatigue life prediction are reduced. The presented method is validated by means of several datasets from literature, as well as an experimental campaign.