B. de Pagter
51 records found
It is known that if L is a Dedekind complete Riesz space and (Ω, Σ) is a measurable space, then the partially ordered linear space of all L-valued, finitely additive and order bounded vector measures m on Σ is also a Dedekind complete Riesz space (for the natural operations). In
The purpose of this monograph is to provide a systematic account of the theory of noncommutative integration in semi-finite von Neumann algebras. It is designed to serve as an introductory graduate level text as well as a basic reference for more established mathematicians with i
Let E be a translation invariant Banach function space over an infinite compact abelian group G and Mφ be a Fourier multiplier operator (with symbol φ) acting on E. It is assumed that E has order continuous norm and that E is reflection invariant (which ensures that φ̄
The main purpose of this paper is to fully characterize continuous concave functions ψ such that the corresponding Marcinkiewicz Banach function space Mψ is a Grothendieck space.@en
It is shown that the pre-dual of a σ-finite von Neumann algebra has property (k) in the sense of Figiel, Johnson and Pelczyński [12]. This resolves in the affirmative an open question raised in [12]. It is shown further that a weakly sequentially complete symmetric space E of τ-m
We characterise sets of uniformly absolutely continuous norm in strongly symmetric spaces of τ-measurable operators. Applications are given to the study of relatively weakly compact and relatively compact sets and to compactness properties of operators dominated in the sense of c
We define and prove the existence of free Banach lattices in the category of Banach lattices and contractive lattice homomorphisms, and establish some of their fundamental properties. We give much more detailed results about their structure in the case when there are only a finit