Alex Sousa

3 records found

One-Way Slabs In Transition Between One-Way Shear And Punching

Experiments And Recent Insights For Evaluation

Bridge deck slabs are members on which one-way reinforced concrete slabs are found frequently loaded by concentrated loads. Although the one-way shear failure mechanism has gathered more attention in the past years, both one-way shear and two-way shear mechanisms may be critical ...
Bridge deck slabs without shear reinforcement under concentrated loads close to line supports may develop different shear failure modes: (i) one-way shear by shear-compression or flexure-shear failure mechanisms and (ii) two-way shear or punching shear under asymmetrical loading ...
Most models of shear strength used to estimate the shear capacity of wide reinforced concrete members without shear reinforcement do not take into account the structural system or the support conditions. However, some experimental results indicate that bending moment can have a p ...