B.I. Ghit
12 records found
Data analytics frameworks enable users to process large datasets while hiding the complexity of scaling out their computations on large clusters of thousands of machines. Such frameworks parallelize the computations, distribute the data, and tolerate server failures by deploying
Better Safe than Sorry
Grappling with Failures of In-Memory Data Analytics Frameworks
Providing fault-tolerance is of major importance for data analytics frameworks such as Hadoop and Spark, which are typically deployed in large clusters that are known to experience high failures rates. Unexpected events such as compute node failures are in particular an important
Simplifying the task of resource management and scheduling for customers, while still delivering complex Quality-of-Service (QoS), is key to cloud computing. Many autoscaling policies have been proposed in the past decade to decide on behalf of cloud customers when and how to pro
Size-Based Resource Allocation in MapReduce Frameworks
Many large-scale data analytics infrastructures are employed for a wide variety of jobs, ranging from short interactive queries to large data analysis jobs that may take hours or even days to complete. As a consequence, data-processing frameworks like MapReduce may have workloads
Rapid elasticity is one of the essential characteristics of cloud computing identified by NIST. Elasticity allows resources to be provisioned and released to scale rapidly out ward and in ward according to demand. Tens -- if not hundreds -- of algorithms have been proposed in the
A well-known problem when executing data-intensive workloads with such frameworks as MapReduce is that small jobs with processing requirements counted in the minutes may suffer from the presence of huge jobs requiring hours or days of compute time, leading to a job slowdown distr
Workflows are important computational tools in many branches of science, and because of the dependencies among their tasks and their widely different characteristics, scheduling them is a difficult problem. Most research on scheduling workflows has focused on the offline problem