Xin Zhou

3 records found

Mangroves can function as a ‘bio-shield’ to protect coastal communities from harsh environments because of their strong ability to attenuate wave energy. However, as mangroves are usually oversimplified as rigid cylinders in antecedent studies, the effects of complex mangrove mor ...
Residual stresses and distortions are major obstacles against the more widespread application of wire arc additive manufacturing. Since the steep temperature gradients due to a moving localised heat source are inevitable in this process, accurate prediction of the thermally induc ...

Enabling Supply Chain Visibility and Compliance Through Voluntary Information Sharing with Customs

A Case Study of the Global Quality Traceability System in China Customs

The promotion of digital customs and data analytics have led customs administrations to seek to improve their analytics capabilities and exploit data from the trade community. Despite the increased data analysis capabilities of Customs, the data available to them are still limite ...