15 records found
Water allocation practices among smallholder farmers in the South Pare Mountains, Tanzania: the issue of scale
Water allocation and management in an emerging spate irrigation system in Makanya catchment, Tanzania
On the value of combines event runoff and tracer analysis to improve understanding of catchment functioning in a data-scarce semi-arid area
Hydrograph separation and scale dependency of natrural tracers in a semi-arid catchment
Understanding hydrological processes in an ungauged catchment in sub-saharan Africa
Spatial rainfall variability and runoff response during an extreme event in a semi-arid catchment in the South Pare Mountains, Tanzania
Modeling upstream-downstream interactions using a spreadsheet-based water balance model: two case studies from the Limpopo Bsin
Hydrograph separation using hydrochemical tracers in the Makanya catchment, Tanzania
Surface water/groundwater system analysis in the semi-arid south-pare mountains, Tanzania
Evaluation of community-driven smallholder irrigation in dryland South Pare Mountains, Tanzania: a case study of Manoo micro dam
Identification of groundwater flow systems using geological mapping and chemical spring analysis in South Pare Mountains, Tanzania
Predicting hydrological processes and water balance parameters in data scarce regions - a prerequisite for a succesful implementation of HELP.
Groundwater induced floods of the Somme River in March 2001
Integrated water resources management groupwork : case Mura river basin