The penetration of renewable energies such as wind and solar into the energy Market on a large scale introduces periods of electricity surpluses and shortages of supply caused by the intermittent nature of these sources, leading too uncertainty and sometimes instability in the op
The penetration of renewable energies such as wind and solar into the energy Market on a large scale introduces periods of electricity surpluses and shortages of supply caused by the intermittent nature of these sources, leading too uncertainty and sometimes instability in the operation of the grid. This paper proposes HyperWind; a Solid Oxide cell used for flexible power and high quality hydrogen co-production. It is an alternative solution to mitigate power surplus or periods of low power production with high demand in the operation of the renewable energy sources, using the multisource-multiproduct feature of the Solid Oxide Cells that can both produce electricity or consume electricity combined with high quality Hydrogen production in a flexible way with the option of upgrading hydrogen mixtures (biogas) into pure hydrogen.
Hyperwind; facilitating the penetration of renewable energies and hydrogen... | Request PDF. Available from: [accessed Jan 16 2018].@en