Finding Common Grounds: Adapting Heritage meaning in Socially Diverse Couperusbuurt is a renewalproject of Amsterdam’s Western Garden Cities neighbourhood. Western Garden Cities Amsterdam orWestelijke Tuinsteden is a post-war neighbourhood considered heritage by the Municipality
Finding Common Grounds: Adapting Heritage meaning in Socially Diverse Couperusbuurt is a renewalproject of Amsterdam’s Western Garden Cities neighbourhood. Western Garden Cities Amsterdam orWestelijke Tuinsteden is a post-war neighbourhood considered heritage by the Municipality of Amsterdam.Currently, Westelijke Tuinsteden of Couperusbuurt fails to provide a liveable built environment forits residents. Its heritage status causes the neighbourhood to be alienated from development which ledthe neighbourhood to be outdated to the current needs. In contrast, the neighbourhood’s heritage form isalso vulnerable due to the municipality’s densification agenda. Simultaneously, some residents in Couperusbuurtare vulnerable socio-economic groups, contributing to social segregation issues in Amsterdam.This situation has pushed them out of social comfort and spatial comfort due to their dissatisfaction withtheir neighbourhoods. This research aims to identify the heritage importance of Westelijke Tuinsteden,integrate it with the spatial planning & development of Couperusbuurt and translate it into possible designelements to achieve socio-spatial cohesion and a liveable Couperusbuurt.The methods used in identifying heritage are built upon theoretical studies that indicate the dynamic approachto heritage, which means that heritage value is not limited to its form. Thus, heritage has a flexiblelayer that could be integrated into the future redevelopment as long as it could transfer the initial value ormeaning. The investigation found that the heritage value in Couperusbuurt is collectivity through community.Then, in integrating it with planning, the collectivity value is translated into spatial and social planningstrategy which are community-driven spatial strategy and participatory planning. Later, these strategies areelaborated into design exploration process.The design exploration in this research is done through scenario design. Design by scenario is beneficial tovisualise extreme possibilities, accommodating different needs from different stakeholders, and as a toolof participatory planning. In doing so, there are two design scenarios which are centralised collectivity anddistributed collectivity. Each scenario shares the common ground value that is collectivity as the heritageimportance for the neighbourhood’s renewal.The output of this project will be used as a material for the ongoing Couperusbuurt’s renewal projectwhich is conducted by the Municipality of Amsterdam and Housing Corporation, Stadgenoot.