Elsa M.P. Henriques

4 records found

Maintenance decisions in domains such as aeronautics are becoming increasingly dependent on being able to predict the failure of components and systems. When data-driven techniques are used for this prognostic task, they often face headwinds due to their perceived lack of interpr ...


A 1-D denoising GAN for Prognostics and Health Management with an application to turbofan

The performance of prognostics is closely related to the quality of condition monitoring signals (e.g., temperature, pressure, or vibration signals), which reveal the degradation of the system of interest. However, typical condition monitoring signals include noise and outliers. ...
Traditionally, prognostics approaches to predictive maintenance have focused on estimating the remaining useful life of the equipment. However, from an industrial point of view, the goal is often not to predict the residual life but to determine the need for a maintenance action ...
Prior to failure, most systems exhibit signs of changed characteristics. The early detection of this change is important to remaining useful life estimation. To have the ability to detect the inflection point or “elbow point” of an asset, i.e. the point of the degradation curve t ...