Lamberto Tronchin
7 records found
During the renovation of auditoria and concert halls, the acoustic quality is normally evaluated from measurements of impulse responses. One possibility for evaluating the acoustic quality from the measurements (the simulations) consists of convolving anechoic music with the meas
The sound diffusion in Italian Opera Houses
Some examples
Soundfield diffuseness in rooms is considered a fundamental aspect of a high-quality room acoustics. Since early studies by Hodgson up to more recent studies of Shtrepi and Embrechts, it was shown that high levels of sound diffuseness could guarantee blending of music, as well as
This paper investigates the relationship between Indoor Environmental Quality index (IEQ): thermal comfort index and indoor temperature trend in moderate thermal environments, in buildings that belong to the Class A with reference to the Energy Performance of Building Directive (
Building performance monitoring
From in-situ measurement to regression-based approaches
Simple and robust data analysis methodologies are crucial to learn insights from measured data and reduce the performance gap in building stock. For this reason, continuous performance monitoring should become a more diffuse practice in order to improve our design and operation s
The identification of techno-economically feasible decarbonisation paths and sustainability transitions for the built environment is a necessary task for research today and building stock renovation processes can act in synergy with innovative economic and technological developme
Stationary and dynamic heat and mass transfer analyses of building components are an essential part of energy efficient design of new and retrofitted buildings. Generally, a single constant thermal conductivity value is assumed for each material layer in construction components.
Energy efficiency, demand side management and energy storage technologies
A critical analysis of possible paths of integration in the built environment
The transition towards energy systems characterized by high share of weather dependent renewable energy sources poses the problem of balancing the mismatch between inflexible production and inelastic demand with appropriate solutions, which should be feasible from the techno-econ