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JCJ Hofstede
Academic Work (54)
Book (1)
Book chapter (1)
Conference paper (2)
Journal article (1)
Report (49)
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54 records found
Improvements in bonding metals (steel, aluminium)
Book chapter (2010) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Rinze Benedictus (author)
Manufacturing and bonded repair of a stiffened GLARE shear panel
Report (2009) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Feasibility of reducing adhesive strips in SMART Glare at Compound curvature
Report (2009) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Test plan Cost reduction Glare WP 2.2.
Report (2009) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Improvements in Bonding Metals
Report (2009) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
Adhesive bonding of air bearnings
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
The bonding of a repair patch on a large Glare fuselage panel
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
How can adhesive bonding provide improved fatigue resistance and damage tolerance at lower costs
Conference paper (2008) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Bonded Repair of Glare 3 2/1
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
The Power of Digital Image Correlation for detailed elastic-plastic strain measurements
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
H.J.K. Lemmen (author)
René Alderliesten (author)
Rinze Rinze (author)
R Rodi (author)
The power of digital image correlation for detailed elastic-plastic strain measurements
Conference paper (2008) -
H.J.K. Lemmen (author)
René Alderliesten (author)
Rinze Rinze (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
R Rodi (author)
Visit to TU Delftresearch grabnt event
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
J.M.C. Vervloed (author)
Adhesive bonding: Providing improved fatigue resistance and damage tolerance at lower costs
Journal article (2008) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Possibilities of bonding a Tungsten Carbide insert in an Inconel drill bit
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Shear stress-strain properties of SW 2216 B/A
Report (2008) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Literature Survey Debonding on Command
Report (2007) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Adhesive FE material model compared
Report (2007) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Current technologies and regulations for bonded structures and repairs
Report (2007) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Resultaten van wigproeven ter bepaling van de duurzaamheid van RVS-epoxy verlijming
Report (2007) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Tracebility procedure for Adhesion Institute Employees
Report (2007) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
B.C.L. Out (author)