Gijs van Soest
8 records found
Optical imaging techniques that provide free space, label free imaging are powerful tools in obtaining structural and biochemical information in biological samples. To date, most of the optical imaging technologies create images with a specific contrast and require multimodality integration to add additional contrast. In this study, we demonstrate spectroscopic Thermo-elastic Optical Coherence Tomography (TE-OCT) as a potential tool in tissue identification. TE-OCT creates images based on two different forms of contrast: optical reflectance and thermo-elastic deformation. TE-OCT uses short laser pulses to induce thermo-elastic tissue deformation and measures the resulting surface displacement using phase-sensitive OCT. In this work we characterized the relation between thermo-elastic displacement and optical absorption, excitation, fluence and illumination area. The experimental results were validated with a 2-dimensional analytical model. Using spectroscopic TE-OCT, the thermo-elastic spectra of elastic phantoms and tissue components in coronary arteries were extracted. Specific tissue components, particularly lipid, an important biomarker for identifying atherosclerotic lesions, can be identified in the TE-OCT spectral response. As a label-free, free-space, dual-contrast, all-optical imaging technique, spectroscopic TE-OCT holds promise for biomedical research and clinical pathology diagnosis.
@enWe exploit the thermoelastic effect to acquire spectroscopic information which is based on the inherent tissue optical absorption properties. We support the acquired data with a 2D model along with system characterisation.
@enIntravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a well-established diagnostic method that provides images of the vessel wall and atherosclerotic plaques. We investigate the potential for phased-array IVUS utilizing coded excitation (CE) for improving the penetration depth and image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It is realized on a new experimental broadband capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer (CMUT) array, operated in collapse mode, with 96 elements placed at the circumference of a catheter tip with a 1.2- {mm} diameter. We characterized the array performance for CE imaging and showed that the -6-dB device bandwidth at a 30-V dc biasing is 25 MHz with a 20-MHz center frequency, with a transmit sensitivity of 37 kPa/V at that frequency. We designed a linear frequency modulation code to improve penetration depth by compensating for high-frequency attenuation while preserving resolution by a mismatched filter reconstruction. We imaged a wire phantom and a human coronary artery plaque. By assessing the image quality of the reconstructed wire phantom image, we achieved 60- and 70- mu{mathrm {m}} axial resolutions using the short pulse and coded signal, respectively, and gained 8 dB in SNR for CE. Our developed system shows 20-frames/s, pixel-based beam-formed, real-time IVUS images.
@enThe absorption of laser pulses by tissue leads not only to the generation of acoustic waves, but also to nanometer to sub-micrometer scale displacement. After the initial expansion, a quasi-steady state is achieved in a few microseconds. Previously we introduced the concept of thermo-elastic optical coherence tomography (TE-OCT) to "visualise" the rapid thermo-elastic expansion by measuring the Doppler phase shift rather than istening" to the acoustic wave as in photoacoustic imaging. In this study, we built a microscopic setup for high-speed 3D TE-OCT imaging, by means of thermo-elastic optical coherence microscopy (TE-OCM). The repetition rate of pulsed laser was set to 100 Hz and the line rate of the OCT system is 1.5 MHz. The OCT beam and the laser pulse were focused upon the same location on the sample FWHM spot sizes of 300 μm for the pulsed laser and 40 μm FWHM for the OCT beam. For each laser pulse, an M-mode OCT image consisting of 90 A-lines was acquired. The Doppler phase shift was extracted by comparing the phase signal before and after the pulse arrival. Within 6 minutes, a 3D TE-OCM image (10 × 10 × 4 mm3) can be acquired and processed. Imaging experiments were carried out in swine meat using 1210 nm excitation wavelength to highlight lipid in tissue. The results show that no significant displacement was detected in swine muscle while strong displacement was observed in lipid, owing to the optical absorption features. Furthermore, fatty tissue is easily identified in the 3D TE-OCM image while the conventional OCT images provides the structural information.
@enCoronary calcification represents a challenge in the treatment of coronary artery disease by stent placement. It negatively affects stent expansion and has been related to future adverse cardiac events. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is known for its high sensitivity in detecting coronary calcification. At present, automated quantification of calcium as detected by IVUS is not available. For this reason, we developed and validated an optimized framework for accurate automated detection and quantification of calcified plaque in coronary atherosclerosis as seen by IVUS. Calcified lesions were detected by training a supported vector classifier per IVUS A-line on manually annotated IVUS images, followed by post-processing using regional information. We applied our framework to 35 IVUS pullbacks from each of the three commonly used IVUS systems. Cross-validation accuracy for each system was >0.9, and the testing accuracy was 0.87, 0.89 and 0.89 for the three systems. Using the detection result, we propose an IVUS calcium score, based on the fraction of calcium-positive A-lines in a pullback segment, to quantify the extent of calcified plaque. The high accuracy of the proposed classifier suggests that it may provide a robust and accurate tool to assess the presence and amount of coronary calcification and, thus, may play a role in image-guided coronary interventions.
@enIn this study, we demonstrate a 12x36 mm motorized capsule for OCT imaging of the esophagus. The capsule produces unobstructed images by using a distal reflector design, thus avoiding shadow caused by the motor wires. The motor synchronous control enables three working modes: circumferential imaging, angular sector imaging and accurate beam positioning. Distortion artifacts shown in the sector imaging were found to be induced by velocity changes of the motor. We specifically characterized the motor speed and found a symmetric and repeatable behavior during sector scanning. Resampling of the sector images A-lines was carried out to achieve uniform angular spacing according to the measured speed profile. Also, distortion between consecutive sector frames was corrected using image registration to achieve stable imaging.
@enIn interventional electrophysiology, catheter-based radiofrequency (RF) ablation procedures restore cardiac heart rhythm by interrupting aberrant conduction paths. Real-time feedback on lesion formation and post-treatment lesion assessment could overcome procedural challenges related to ablation of underlying structures and lesion gaps. This study aims to evaluate real-time visualization of lesion progression and continuity during intra-atrial ablation with photoacoustic (PA) imaging, using clinically deployable technology. A PA-enabled RF ablation catheter was used to ablate and illuminate porcine left atrium, both excised and intact in a passive beating heart ex-vivo, for photoacoustic signal generation. PA signals were received with an intracardiac echography catheter. Using the ratio of PA images acquired with excitation wavelengths of 790 nm and 930 nm, ablation lesions were successfully imaged through circulating saline and/or blood, and lesion gaps were identified in real-time. PA-based assessment of RF-ablation lesions was successful in a realistic preclinical model of atrial intervention.
@enWe demonstrate a tethered motorized capsule for unobstructed optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging of the esophagus. By using a distal reflector design, we avoided the common shadow artifact induced by the motor wires. A synchronous driving technique features three types of beam-scanning modes of the capsule, i.e., circumferential beam scanning, localized beam scanning, and accurate beam positioning. We characterized these three modes and carried out ex vivo imaging experiments using the capsule. The results show that the capsule can potentially be a useful tool for diagnostic OCT imaging and OCT-guided biopsy and therapy of the esophagus.