Kai Goebel

6 records found

Accurately estimating a Health Index (HI) from condition monitoring data (CM) is essential for reliable and interpretable prognostics and health management (PHM) in complex systems. In most scenarios, complex systems operate under varying operating conditions and can exhibit diff ...
Discovering health indicators (HI) is essential for prognostics and health management of complex systems, as an HI enables timely interventions and effective maintenance strategies. However, most of the existing methodologies for HI discovery rely on labeled data which is expensi ...
Hybrid models combining physical knowledge and machine learning show promise for obtaining accurate and robust prognostic models. However, despite the increased interest in hybrid models in recent years, the proposed solutions tend to be domain-specific. As a result, there is no ...
Maintenance decisions in domains such as aeronautics are becoming increasingly dependent on being able to predict the failure of components and systems. When data-driven techniques are used for this prognostic task, they often face headwinds due to their perceived lack of interpr ...
When the influence of changing operational and environmental conditions, such as temperature and external loading, is not factored out from sensor data it can be difficult to observe a clear deterioration path. This can significantly affect the task of engineering prognostics and ...
Prior to failure, most systems exhibit signs of changed characteristics. The early detection of this change is important to remaining useful life estimation. To have the ability to detect the inflection point or “elbow point” of an asset, i.e. the point of the degradation curve t ...