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A Wilson
Academic Work (7)
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Journal article (4)
Report (1)
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7 records found
Integrated substation life management and asset information strategy
Conference paper (2013) -
Johan Smit (author)
Johan J. Smit (author)
J. J. Smit (author)
J.J. Smit (author)
JJ Smit (author)
N Barrera (author)
B Bakka (author)
G Balzer (author)
T Kobayashi (author)
A Mackrell (author)
S Laderach (author)
A Wilson (author)
RPY Mehairjan (author)
R.P.Y. Mehairjan (author)
P Leemans (author)
N Fantana (author)
P Myrda (author)
I Portugues (author)
J Bednarik (author)
N Kaiser (author)
Integral decision processes for substation equipment replacement
Journal article (2012) -
JJ Smit (author)
J.J. Smit (author)
Johan J. Smit (author)
Johan Smit (author)
J. J. Smit (author)
N Barrera (author)
P Leemans (author)
T Melkersson (author)
Z Ma (author)
Ph Wester (author)
A Wilson (author)
P Aparicio (author)
B Bakka (author)
G Balzer (author)
G Buffiere (author)
NL Fantana (author)
HE Hoekstra (author)
T Krontiris (author)
S Laederach (author)
Integral decision processes for substation equipment replacement
Report (2012) -
JJ Smit (author)
J.J. Smit (author)
Johan J. Smit (author)
Johan Smit (author)
J. J. Smit (author)
N Barrera (author)
P Leemans (author)
T Melkersson (author)
Z Ma (author)
Ph Wester (author)
A Wilson (author)
P Aparicio (author)
B Bakka (author)
G Balzer (author)
G Buffiere (author)
NL Fantana (author)
HE Hoekstra (author)
T Krontiris (author)
S Laederach (author)
Recommendations for condition monitoring and condition assessment facilities for transformers
Journal article (2008) -
P Jarman (author)
BO Stenestam (author)
M Chauke (author)
M Judd (author)
J Vancotthem (author)
I Hunter (author)
A Garnitschnig (author)
E Mortensen (author)
K Viereck (author)
R Kuppuswamy (author)
S Tenbohlen (author)
S Meijer (author)
S. Meijer (author)
A Wilson (author)
Recommendations for condition monitoring and condition assessment facilities for transformers
Book (2008) -
P Jarman (author)
BO Stenestam (author)
M Chauke (author)
M Judd (author)
J Vancotthem (author)
I Hunter (author)
A Garnitschnig (author)
E Mortensen (author)
K Viereck (author)
R Kuppuswamy (author)
S Tenbohlen (author)
S Meijer (author)
S. Meijer (author)
A Wilson (author)
What risk assessment can tell us about the mortality impacts of the Kuwaiti oil fires
Journal article (2005) -
JS Evans (author)
A Wilson (author)
JT Tuomisto (author)
M Tainio (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
Mortality in Kuwait due to PM from oil fires after the Gulf war: combining expert elicitation assessments
Journal article (2005) -
JT Tuomisto (author)
A Wilson (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
M Tainio (author)
JS Evans (author)