J. Rezaei

129 records found

As ports are experiencing heavier traffic, the pressure to improve port call processes is increasing. Port call optimization (PCO) is one of these improvement initiatives, enabling the arrival of vessels to the port just-in-time when the vessel services, like pilotage, towage, an ...
Despite its recent introduction in literature, the Best–Worst Method (BWM) is among the most well-known and applied methods in Multicriteria Decision-Making. The method can be used to elicit the relative importance (weight) of the criteria as well as to get the priorities of the ...
Since the development of the best–worst method (BWM) in 2015, it has become a popular research focus in multi-criteria decision-making. The original optimization problem of the BWM is a nonlinear min–max model that can lead to multiple optimal solutions, while the linear model of ...
The Physical Internet (PI) is a paradigm-changing and technology-driven vision, which is expected to significantly impact the development of the freight transport and logistics (FTL) system of today. However, the development of the FTL system towards the PI creates much uncertain ...

Ratio product model

A rank-preserving normalization-agnostic multi-criteria decision-making method

This paper presents a new multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method, namely the ratio product model (RPM). We first overview two popular aggregating models: the weighted sum model (WSM) and the weighted product model (WPM). Then, we argue that the two models suffer from some f ...

Joint B2B supply chain decision-making

Drivers, facilitators and barriers

Joint decision-making is one of the coordination mechanisms to address the inherent complexity of business-to-business (B2B) processes within a supply chain. Joint decision-making can be helpful to define shared goals and objectives, identify supply chain failures and opportuniti ...

Bi-sided facility location problems

An efficient algorithm for k-centre, k-median, and travelling salesman problems

This study introduces a general framework, called Bi-sided facility location, for a wide range of problems in the area of combined facility location and routing problems such as locating test centres and designing the network of supermarkets. It is based on a multi-objective opti ...

Bioethanol sustainable supply chain design

A multi-attribute bi-objective structure

To design a bioethanol supply chain, along with the transportation and operational costs, it is vital to consider more factors categorized into three sustainability pillars (i.e. economy, social and environment). In this paper, to develop a mathematical model for bioethanol suppl ...
Priorities in multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) convey the relevance preference of one criterion over another, which is usually reflected by imposing the non-negativity and unit-sum constraints. The processing of such priorities is different than other unconstrained data, but ...

Cooperation between vessel service providers in ports

An impact analysis using simulation for the Port of Rotterdam

Cooperation between vessel service providers can improve the performance of ports. However, the potential impact of such cooperation has not yet been quantitatively addressed in the literature. We present an assessment using a port simulation model where the exchange of informati ...
Consumer goods supply chains are intensifying their efforts to develop and offer green products, in order to seize new business opportunities and improve profitability. A specific type of green products concerns marginal and development cost-intensive green products (MDIGPs), lik ...

Nonadditive best-worst method

Incorporating criteria interaction using the Choquet integral

The best-worst method (BWM) is a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) method to derive the relative importance (weight) of a set of criteria used to evaluate a set of alternatives. Several models (e.g., nonlinear, linear, Bayesian, and multiplicative) have been developed to find ...
Contemporary innovations in freight transportation and logistics are instrumental in achieving more integrated, efficient, and sustainable services in the global market. While much attention is going to how contemporary innovations, including technology-enabled and management inn ...
This paper introduces an advisory-based time slot management system (TSMS) to control truck arrivals at seaport terminals with the aim to reduce congestion at terminal gates. A modeling framework is proposed, developed, and applied to assess the impact of a truck arrival shift fo ...
Factors driving the choice of shipper firms for services of logistics service providers have long been recognized in the freight transportation literature. However, the willingness among shippers to choose flexible transportation services, where the service package can be adapted ...
This study aims to develop a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) method, the Best-Worst Tradeoff method, which draws on the underlying principles of two popular MADM methods (the Best-Worst Method (BWM) and the Tradeoff). The traditional Tradeoff procedure, which is based on t ...
In this study, the existence of anchoring bias—people's tendency to rely on, evaluate, and decide based on the first piece of information they receive—is examined in two multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) methods, simple multi-attribute rating technique (SMART), and Swing. Da ...
The Physical Internet (PI) is a relatively young and compelling vision about the freight transport and logistics system of the future. Besides showing how many technological and organizational innovations could converge in a real-world logistics system, it also addresses cross-in ...

Corn cultivation location selection for bioethanol production

An application of BWM and extended PROMETHEE II

The purpose of this paper is to streamline the supply of corn, one of the key ingredients in the production of bioethanol. Using a comprehensive sustainable framework of criteria (including social, economic, and environmental dimensions), the potential locations of corn cultivati ...

Food supply chain coordination for growing items

A trade-off between market coverage and cost-efficiency

The accurate operation of a Food Supply Chain (FSC) is a critical issue as it directly interfaces with health and safety matters. This study addresses coordination and conflict management in a three-level FSC that embraces a new inventory type known as growing items like poultry ...