Y. Dufournet

24 records found


Nowadays, it is still not really clear how the large panel of different cloud microphysical characteristics influences the radiative balance at a global scale. This leads to great uncertainties in assessing the cloud radiative forcing effect. Observations strategies are therefore ...
Spectral polarimetry is based on combined simultaneous Doppler and polarization measurements, with a close look on the polarization dependence of the radar signal per velocity bin of the Doppler spectrum. The principle of radar spectral polarimetry and the main steps of the relat ...
Accuracy of Lidar remote sensors for wind energy has been previously reported. Coherent Doppler lidars have shown very high correlation with calibrated cup anemometers in flat terrain, both onshore and offshore. However, in more complex terrain, not only more turbulent air flow b ...
In this study, a dual-polarization spectral analysis for retrieval of microphysical properties of ice hydrometeors is developed. It is shown that, by using simultaneous Doppler polarimetric observations taken at a 45° elevation angle, it is possible to discriminate between differ ...
Snow crystals consist of many different types of ice particles. Typical radar measurements observe only bulk properties of all types of ice particles present in a radar volume. Due to their difference in radar cross-section, larger particles will reflect more power of the transmi ...
In most part of the troposphere the temperature is negative. It induces some regions where thropspheric clouds are composed by a mix of ice crystals and supercooled water droplets. Nevertheless those clouds are still poorly represented in climate models (Hogan et al., 2003) even ...