Bulk chromatin motion has not been analyzed at high resolution. We present Hi-D, a method to quantitatively map dynamics of chromatin and abundant nuclear proteins for every pixel simultaneously over the entire nucleus from fluorescence image series. Hi-D combines reconstruction
Bulk chromatin motion has not been analyzed at high resolution. We present Hi-D, a method to quantitatively map dynamics of chromatin and abundant nuclear proteins for every pixel simultaneously over the entire nucleus from fluorescence image series. Hi-D combines reconstruction of chromatin motion and classification of local diffusion processes by Bayesian inference. We show that DNA dynamics in the nuclear interior are spatially partitioned into 0.3-3-μm domains in a mosaic-like pattern, uncoupled from chromatin compaction. This pattern was remodeled in response to transcriptional activity. Hi-D can be applied to any dense and bulk structures opening new perspectives towards understanding motion of nuclear molecules.