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PJ Garbacki
Academic Work (24)
Conference paper (16)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (6)
Poster (1)
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24 records found
The Design and Evaluation of a Self-Organizing Super-Peer Network
Journal article (2010) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
Dick H.J. Epema (author)
M van Steen (author)
A Unified Format for Traces of Peer-to-Peer Systems
Conference paper (2009) -
B Zhang (author)
A Iosup (author)
Johan Pouwelse (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
Pirates and Samaritans: A decade of measurements on peer production and their implications for net neutrality and copyright
Journal article (2008) -
Johan Pouwelse (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
DHJ Epema (author)
HJ Sips (author)
Improving P2P Applications by Breaking the Architecture Symmetry
Doctoral thesis (2008) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
Broker Placement in Latency-Aware Peer-to-Peer Networks
Journal article (2008) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
DHJ Epema (author)
M van der Steen (author)
Tribler: a social-based peer-to-peer system
Journal article (2008) -
JA Pouwelse (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
J Wang (author)
A. Bakker (author)
J Yang (author)
Alex Iosup (author)
Dick Epema (author)
MJT Reinders (author)
MR van Steen (author)
H.J. Sips (author)
A Multi Phased Approach for Modeling and Analysis of the BitTorrent Protocol
Conference paper (2007) -
V. Rai (author)
S. Sivasubramanian (author)
S Bhulai (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
M van der Steen (author)
Efficient Resource Virtualization and Sharing Strategies for Heterogeneous Grid Environments
Conference paper (2007) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
V.K. Naik (author)
A Hybrid Linear Programming and Evolutionary Algorithm based Approach for On-line Resource Matching in Grid Environments
Conference paper (2007) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
V.K. Naik (author)
Optimizing Peer Relationships in a Super-Peer Network
Conference paper (2007) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
Dick H.J. Epema (author)
M van Steen (author)
An Amortized Tit-For-Tat Protocol for Exchanging Bandwidth instead of Content in P2P Networks
Conference paper (2007) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
DHJ Epema (author)
M van der Steen (author)
An Amortized Tit-For-Tat Protocol for Exchanging Bandwidth instead of Content in P2P Networks
Conference paper (2007) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
DHJ Epema (author)
M van der Steen (author)
Architecture for Service Oriented Solution Delivery Using Grid Systems
Conference paper (2006) -
V.K. Naik (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
A. Mohindra (author)
An Analytical Approach to Correlating World Development Indicators
Conference paper (2006) -
A. Patil (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
PM Herder (author)
Tribler: a social-based peer-to-peer system
Conference paper (2006) -
JA Pouwelse (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
J Wang (author)
A. Bakker (author)
J Yang (author)
A Iosup (author)
Dick H.J. Epema (author)
Marcel .J.T. Reinders (author)
M van Steen (author)
H.J. Sips (author)
Collaborative Downloads in File-Sharing P2P Networks
Conference paper (2006) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
Alexandru Iosup (author)
Dick Epema (author)
M van der Steen (author)
The Hydrogen Economy ¿ Potential & Reality
Poster (2006) -
A. Patil (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
PM Herder (author)
On-line Evolutionary Resource Matching for Job Scheduling in Heterogeneous Grid Environments
Conference paper (2006) -
V.K. Naik (author)
PJ Garbacki (author)
K. Kummamuru (author)
Y Zhao (author)
2Fast: Collaborative Downloads in P2P Networks (Best Paper Award)
Conference paper (2006) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
Alexandru Iosup (author)
Dick Epema (author)
M van der Steen (author)
A two-level semantic caching scheme for super-peer networks
Conference paper (2005) -
PJ Garbacki (author)
Dick H.J. Epema (author)
M van Steen (author)