Xinyan Fan

12 records found


A Dataset for Crop Field Delineation in Southeast Asian Smallholder Farms

Agricultural field polygons within smallholder farming systems are essential to facilitate the collection of geo-spatial data useful for farmers, managers, and policymakers. However, the limited availability of training labels poses a challenge in developing supervised methods to ...
The hydro-mechanical properties of the vadose zone are strongly influenced by seasonal cycles. The hydraulic behavior of this zone is determined by the coupling of biotic and abiotic factors. The biotic factors are controlled by the physiology and anatomy of the vegetation growin ...
Climate change strongly affects the hydro-mechanical properties of soil. Due to drought and heavy rains the soil is subjected to severe hydro-mechanical loads, that, in turn, alter the microstructure of the soil. The most affected area is the so-called vadose zone, the layer of s ...

Down to the root of vegetated soil

Challenges and the state-of-the-art

Vegetated soil plays an essential role in confronting climate change. Soil, together with its ecosystem, stores vast amounts of carbon; it is also the construction material most widely used for the built environment. The expected impacts of climate change, such as extreme wetting ...

Winter cover crops in Dutch maize fields

Variability in quality and its drivers assessed from multi-temporal Sentinel-2 imagery

Planting a cover crop between the main cropping seasons is an agricultural management measure with multiple potential benefits for sustainable food production. In the maize production system of the Netherlands, an effective establishment of a winter cover crop is important for re ...
An effective establishment of a winter cover crop is important for reducing ni-trogen leaching to groundwater in the maize-based cropping system of the Netherlands. Cover crop establishment after maize cultivation is obliged by law for sandy soils and consequently imple-mented in ...
Crop growth stage is critical for making decisions in nutrient management and for evaluating crop productivity. In this study, a simple visible and near-infrared (V-NIR) camera system was developed for monitoring the leaf area index (LAI) and quantifying the quick growth stage (Q ...
Automated monitoring systems with different temporal and spatial resolutions can achieve precision agriculture management. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems open new possibilities for effectively characterizing the variability within cropping systems with high spatial and tem ...
Concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and total suspended solids (TSS) are significant parameters used to assess water quality. The objective of this study is to establish a quantitative model for estimating the Chl-a and the TSS concentrations in irrigation ponds in Higashihir ...
This research was conducted to exploit the waste of used plant parts from the widely marketed moth orchid cultivar (Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian “V3”). Various extracts of roots, stems, and leaves were evaluated for total phenolics, total flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity. The b ...
Information on the spring growth status of winter forage crops is crucial for evaluating productivity and nutrient management. This study aimed to determine the spring quick growth stage (QGS) of Italian ryegrass using a ground-based camera system. The camera system, installed in ...
The objectives of this study were to determine the dominant frequency of plant species, and provide useful information toward the conservation management of animal feed in grazing areas, Hiroshima, Japan. The numbers of plant species were 32 and 21 in spring and summer, respectiv ...