
J.A.M. de Groot

21 records found


DNA-based storage is considered to be a promising option to accommodate huge amounts of data. The strings of nucleotides are prone to errors though. To reduce the error probability, these strings should satisfy constraints on the ratio of A's and T's versus the number of G's a ...


"Waarom is de ruimte waarin we leven driedimensionaal?” is een vraag die men zich al sinds de Griekse oudheid stelt. Lange tijd was het antwoord op deze vraag dat er drie coördinaten nodig zijn om een punt in de ruimte te beschrijven, maar in 1877 bewees Georg Cantor het opmerkel ...
The world can’t keep up with its own data and therefore needs new ways to store it. Research is being done into new types of experimental data storage like DNA sampling or racetrack memory, which could completely revolutionize the way storage works. However, such storage media ar ...

The Four-Colour Theorem

History and Proof

The four-colour conjecture (4CC) is a question that asks whether any map can be coloured using only four colours, with the constraint that neighboring countries must have distinct colours. This conjecture has re- mained unanswered for over 170 years, with a rich history of variou ...
Every day an extremely large amount of messages get sent over the internet, radio, WiFi, etc. These messages need to be encoded in order to protect the important data. However just like many of these systems messages can get corrupted over a certain channel due to noise, fluctuat ...

An exotic fieldtrip through cryptography

The extenion of RSA encryption

One of the first systems developed to provide online security is what is now known as RSA encryption. This method has been first published by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman in 1978. Even on this day, a modification of the first method of RSA encryption is being used and considered sa ...
In this report we examine the dual space of $\ell^\infty$. If $p \in [1,\infty)$ and $q \in [1,\infty]$ satisfy $\frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q}=1$, then one can identify the spaces $\ell^q$ and $(\ell^p)'$ in a natural way via an isometric isomorphism. This identification does not exten ...
Nowadays, we produce an enormous amount of data and all this data needs to be stored somewhere. In order to store all this data in an efficient and environmentally friendly way, solutions need to be found. A storage technique that has great potential to be a solution is synthetic ...
While the Minimum Euclidean Distance detection is known to be optimal for channels affected by Gaussian noise, it has been shown that Minimum Pearson Distance detection (MPD) may perform better when the channel is also affected by an unknown offset, though for a good performance ...
Dit onderzoek gaat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden met betrekking tot constructies met passer en ongemarkeerde liniaal. Hier werken we met de euclidische meetkunde en zullen we dus ook beginnen met de vijf postulaten van Euclides en een aantal toepassingen ervan. Er zal ...
Humanity is producing data at exponential rates. Solutions need to be found in order to accommodate the bytes of today and the future in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, well-known as DNA, is a suitable destination for this major collection of ...
The amount of data being produced is growing exponentially. An im-
portant challenge is to find methods to store this data efficiently and in an
environmentally friendly way. One idea that is a growing research topic in-
volves using synthetic DNA. DNA has the potenti ...
Every day we produce an extremely high amount of data and a significant portion of this data is archival data. It is an important challenge to save this data in a cheap and environmentally friendly way. The current methods to save archival data are sufficient, but improvements ...
In dit verslag bekijken we zes topologische tegenvoorbeelden. Eerst bestuderen we de topologie van Appert. Deze topologie is gedefinieerd op een aftelbare verzameling, maar heeft overaftelbaar veel open verzamelingen. In de ruimte van Appert zijn de triviale rijtjes de enige rijt ...
The automation of replanting seedlings into bigger trays (transplanting) has been a major industrialisation step in the horticultural sector. Modern machines are abundant in large companies and are quite effective, but they are very expensive both in purchase and maintenance. Wit ...
In dit verslag worden drie noties van eindigheid van een verzameling gedefinieerd.
Een verzameling is eindig wanneer er een bijectie bestaat tussen de verzameling en een natuurlijk getal. Uiteraard worden eerst de natuurlijke getallen gedefinieerd.
Een verzameling is surj ...

On The Cap Set Problem

Upper bounds on maximal cardinalities of caps in dimensions seven to ten

This thesis concerns the cap set problem in affine geometry. The problem is illustrated by the card game SET and its geometrical interpretation in ternary affine space. The maximal cardinality of a cap is known for the dimension one to six. For the four lowest dimensions, a maxim ...