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J. Toussaint
Academic Work (35)
Book chapter (5)
Conference paper (12)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (12)
Report (5)
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35 records found
Mortgage-equity release: the potential of housing wealth for future Dutch retirees
Journal article (2013) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Dorst! Het eigenwoningbezit als onderdeel van de welvaartstaat
Book chapter (2012) -
M. G. Elsinga (author)
J. Toussaint (author)
Owner-occupation, mortgages and intergenerational transfers: the extreme cases of Hungary and the Netherlands
Journal article (2012) -
J. Toussaint (author)
H Szemzo (author)
Marja Elsinga (author)
József Hegedüs (author)
N Teller (author)
Mortgage equity release: the potential of housing wealth for Dutch retirees
Journal article (2012) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Dorst! Het eigenwoningbezit als onderdeel van de verzorgingsstaat
Book chapter (2012) -
M. G. Elsinga (author)
J. Toussaint (author)
Housing wealth in retirement strategies: Towards understanding and new hypotheses
Doctoral thesis (2011) -
J. Toussaint (author)
Housing assets as a potential solution for financial hardship: households' mental accounts of housing wealth in three European countries
Journal article (2011) -
J. Toussaint (author)
Dutch households' strategies for old age and the role of housing wealth
Journal article (2010) -
J. Toussaint (author)
Fiscale varianten
Report (2010) -
P. de Vries (author)
Peter Boelhouwer (author)
A.A.A. Marien (author)
J. Toussaint (author)
The role of owner-occupation in retirement in eight European countries
Conference paper (2010) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
De woning als pensioenvoorziening
Journal article (2010) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Eten gepensioneerden hun woning op?
Journal article (2010) -
J. Toussaint (author)
Households' perceptions on old age and housing equity, combined report WP2
Report (2010) -
M.G. Elsinga (author)
A Jones (author)
D Quilgars (author)
J. Toussaint (author)
Building and consuming housing assets in four European countries. Household's perceptions in the 'good old days' and the expectations about the future
Conference paper (2009) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Households' perception on old age and housing equity, the case of the Netherlands
Report (2009) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Exploring 'Housing asset-based welfare'. Can the UK be held up as an example for Europe?
Journal article (2009) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Home ownership: an asset for welfare needs?
Conference paper (2008) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Inside qualitative comparative research: making methods transparant
Journal article (2008) -
D Quilgars (author)
M Elsinga (author)
J. Toussaint (author)
H Ruonavaara (author)
P Naumanen (author)
Homeownership: an asset for welfare needs? Households' perceptions in eight European countries
Conference paper (2008) -
J. Toussaint (author)
M. G. Elsinga (author)
Tenure choice and financial security - differences between generations
Conference paper (2008) -
J. Toussaint (author)