The high quality public transport network implemented by R-net, short for Randstadnet, follows a product formula on multiple public transport modalities (bus, tram, metro, and train) and acts as a quality mark. R-net is a collaboration between six public transport authorities and
The high quality public transport network implemented by R-net, short for Randstadnet, follows a product formula on multiple public transport modalities (bus, tram, metro, and train) and acts as a quality mark. R-net is a collaboration between six public transport authorities and nine operators. However, currently R-net is confusing the traveller and losing credibility among its stakeholders. Ultimately, an aligned future vision and collaboration structure is missing. This project creates a future vision, illustrates how R-net should look like in this future and proposes a strategy for how to reach this. In 2040, commuting with the high quality public transport network is the norm. The vision is based on relevant trends and the future fulfilment of the six fundamental needs of the commuter; comfort, autonomy, security, recognition, competence and morality. It presents a seamless door-to-door travel experience integrating different modalities. Three concepts were created to explore how R-net should look like in this future vision. These were combined to the final future role of R-net: B1-net, for a journey without worries. B1-net will be the facilitator for collaboration with the stakeholders in the future high quality public transport network with the help of a mobility roundtable structure. Furthermore, it will provide certainty to the traveller by being in direct contact with them, utilise a certification structure and enable safe data sharing. The communication with the traveller happens via a mascot of a bee. The bee flies along with the traveller in their journey providing this certainty. The experience of the traveller in the vision and concept of the high quality public transport network addresses their fundamental needs and provides certainty. Therefore it will be more attractive and has the possibility to attract more travellers to the network instead of their car. This is beneficial to reach societal goals, like CO2 reduction. For the transition from R-net into B1-net, an organisation strategy is proposed with the help of the analogy of how bees make honey. First, R-net will need to ‘prepare’, collect nectar. A reconstruction will take place to a full-time commitment and the customer service for the traveller is started. This is followed by ‘starting the real process’ which represents how a bee shares its nectar. The public transport authorities are persuaded to join the network and the mobility roundtable is initiated. Hereafter, the honey is capped with beeswax which explains ‘seal the deal’. Public transport operators already connected to R-net are persuaded and the first B1-certificat is allocated. The next step is ‘nurture and expand’, like filling more cells in the honeycomb. This step is about expanding the network and keep revising the requirements for the certificate until in 2040 there is a complete ecosystem of the high quality public transport network. When the honey is ready. The strategy is implemented in a roadmap together with the traveller needs, trends and launch strategy to give a complete overview of how to reach the vision: Commuting with the high quality public transport network is the norm.