Vikram Laheri
5 records found
This research presents an experimental and numerical approach to study the mechanics of asphalt matrix, a crucial component in asphalt concrete. Understanding its response is essential to guide the new designs in advanced asphalt concrete. The dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is
The double yield (DY) phenomenon observed in a wide variety of semi-crystalline polymers (SCP) adds difficulties in the material characterization. In this paper, a constitutive model, termed as explicit semi-crystalline polymer (ESCP) model, is proposed to study DY phenomenon as
The constitutive modelling of semi-crystalline polymers (SCP) has to consider several aspects as rate- and temperature-dependence, self-heating, and in particular, the double yield (DY) phenomenon. A full characterization of all these complex features involves prominent efforts i
Nonlinear matrices employed in asphalt-based composites exhibit a prominent nonlinear elastic-viscoplasticviscodamageable mechanical response. The constitutive model for this type of matrices requires a significant experimental effort to identify the material constants. To allevi
This research presents an experimental approach to study the mechanics of asphalt matrix, a crucial component in asphalt concrete, consisting of asphalt binder, fine aggregates and filler. Understanding its response is essential to guide and improve the new designs in advanced as