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W van der Molen
Academic Work (11)
Conference paper (6)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (4)
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11 records found
Calculations of the motions of a ship moored with Moosmaster units
Conference paper (2010) -
J de Bont (author)
W van der Molen (author)
J.C. van der Lem (author)
Han Ligteringen (author)
D Muhlestein (author)
M Howie (author)
Time-domain calculation of moored ship motions in nonlinear waves
Journal article (2008) -
W van der Molen (author)
I. Wenneker (author)
Behaviour of moored ships in harbours
Doctoral thesis (2006) -
W van der Molen (author)
Numerical simulation of long-period waves and ship motions in Tomakomai port, Japan
Journal article (2006) -
W van der Molen (author)
P Monardez (author)
AR van Dongeren (author)
Moored ship motions due to passing ships
Conference paper (2005) -
W van der Molen (author)
I. Wenneker (author)
MJA Borsboom (author)
Hydrodynamics of an LNG carrier moored behind a detached breakwater
Conference paper (2005) -
WK Wuisman (author)
W van der Molen (author)
Influence of loading condition on the behavior of a moored liquefied natural gas carrier
Journal article (2005) -
W van der Molen (author)
Han Ligteringen (author)
Modeling of infragravity waves and moored ship motions in Tomakomai Port
Conference paper (2004) -
W van der Molen (author)
P Monardez Santander (author)
AR van Dongeren (author)
Tome-domain calculation of moored ship motions in a harbour
Conference paper (2004) -
W van der Molen (author)
Behavior of Moored Ships in Swell Waves
Journal article (2003) -
W van der Molen (author)
Han Ligteringen (author)
J.C. van der Lem (author)
J.C.M. de Waal (author)
Long-period Wave Forces on a Moored Ship in a Harbour using a Strip Theory Approach
Conference paper (2003) -
W van der Molen (author)
O.M. Weiler (author)
H Ligteringen (author)