Matthew Ritchie

4 records found

Open Radar Initiative

Large Scale Dataset for Benchmarking of micro-Doppler Recognition Algorithms

In this paper, we discuss an "open radar initiative" aimed at promoting the sharing of radar datasets and a common framework for acquiring data. The framework is based on widely available and affordable short-range radar hardware (automotive FMCW radar transceivers). This framewo ...
This article presents the results of a series of measurements of multistatic radar signatures of small UAVs at L- and X-bands. The system employed was the multistatic multiband radar system, NeXtRAD, consisting of one monostatic transmitter-receiver and two bistatic receivers. Ne ...
This chapter has thoroughly explored the necessity and importance of careful planning in the implementation of data fusion methods and architecture within multistatic radar networks. The identification of opportunities for data fusion in a processing system, depicted in this chap ...