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P.P.J. van Loon
Academic Work (42)
Book (8)
Book chapter (3)
Conference paper (24)
Design (1)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (4)
Report (1)
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42 records found
Sustainability and urban density : A decision based design approach
Conference paper (2011) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
R.P. de Graaf (author)
Quantitative urban management instruments
Book chapter (2011) -
P. Barendse-Bruinsma (author)
SW Bijleveld (author)
S.W. Bijleveld (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
Design management, based on the production of design information, illustrated with a case study
Conference paper (2009) -
P. Barendse-Bruinsma (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
B Reijnierse (author)
The Urban Decision Room, an urban management instrument
Book (2008) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
Erwin Heurkens (author)
E.W.T.M. Heurkens (author)
EWTM Heurkens (author)
Erwin Wilhelmus Theodurus Martinus Heurkens (author)
S Bronkhorst (author)
The Urban Decision Room; application and evaluation of an urban management instrument
Conference paper (2008) -
Erwin Wilhelmus Theodurus Martinus Heurkens (author)
E.W.T.M. Heurkens (author)
EWTM Heurkens (author)
Erwin Heurkens (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
Decision making: a decision-based design approach
Conference paper (2008) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
R Binnekamp (author)
Ruud Binnekamp (author)
R. Binnekamp (author)
J. Burger (author)
An interactive urban management system for urban renewal
Conference paper (2007) -
R Binnekamp (author)
Ruud Binnekamp (author)
R. Binnekamp (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
J Piesla (author)
Architectural Design/Decision Room, Development of a tool for dynamic interdisciplinary design development
Conference paper (2007) -
J. Burger (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
P. Barendse-Bruinsma (author)
De Urban Decision Room; een innovatief multi-actor ontwerpsysteem
Journal article (2007) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
Multi-stakeholder planning in an urban decision room
Conference paper (2007) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
S Bronkhorst (author)
Managing an urban actor network
Conference paper (2007) -
J. Burger (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
GJ Helmerhorst (author)
Managing actor networks in the construction process
Conference paper (2007) -
J. Burger (author)
GJ Helmerhorst (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
Preference measurement methodology in urban land use planning
Conference paper (2006) -
Erwin Wilhelmus Theodurus Martinus Heurkens (author)
E.W.T.M. Heurkens (author)
EWTM Heurkens (author)
Erwin Heurkens (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
An open-design/decision system for re-allocation of land use; a pilot study for a complex urban transformation in the area of Heijsehaven, port of Rotterdam
Conference paper (2006) -
PPJ van Loon (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
S Bronkhorst (author)
P. Barendse-Bruinsma (author)
T Tsui (author)
Open design, a collaborative apporach to architecture
Book (2006) -
LA van Gunsteren (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
An open design/decision system apporach to urban renewal
Conference paper (2006) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
S Duerink (author)
Y Govaart (author)
S Bronkhorst (author)
An urban decision room based on mathematical optimisation; a pilot study supporting complex urban decision questions
Conference paper (2006) -
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
E Wilms (author)
Urban Decision Room: An aid in complex Urban decision questions
Conference paper (2006) -
J. Burger (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
F Roord (author)
Open design, a stakeholder-oriented apporach in architecture, urban planning, and project management or
Book (2006) -
R Binnekamp (author)
Ruud Binnekamp (author)
R. Binnekamp (author)
LA van Gunsteren (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)
Managing complex projects - proposed best practice attributes for managing complex projects and exploring their adoption in practice
Conference paper (2006) -
LA van Gunsteren (author)
P.P.J. van Loon (author)
PPJ van Loon (author)