Welldone Moyo
7 records found
Characterization of natural organic matter in South African drinking water treatment plants
Towards integrating ceramic membrane filtration
This work presents the first comprehensive investigation of natural organic matter (NOM) fraction removal using ceramic membranes in South Africa. The rate of removal of bulk NOM (measured as UV254 and DOC % removal), the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) f
This work investigates the enhancement of antifouling properties of ceramic nanofiltration membranes by surface modification via atomic layer deposition (ALD) of TiO2. Feed solutions containing bovine serum albumin (BSA), humic acid (HA) and sodium alginate (SA) were u
This study demonstrates the fundamental differences in fouling development and mechanisms of unfiltered and 0.45 µm pre-filtered water samples on ceramic membranes. Robust characterization of the feed waters was conducted using gravimetric analysis, optical methods and modeling t
The removal dynamics of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) and natural organic matter (NOM) polarity fractions at a water treatment plant (WTP) in South Africa was studied using UV-Vis absorbance, fluorescence excitation-emission matrix, and two-dimensional synchronous
This study used spectroscopic methods to investigate the fate and dynamics of natural organic matter (NOM) as it traverses the treatment train at three water treatment plants (WTPs) in South Africa. The character, quantity, and removability of NOM at specific treatment stages was
Fundamental fouling mechanisms of dissolved organic matter fractions and their implications on the surface modifications of ceramic nanofiltration membranes
Insights from a laboratory scale application
This work reports on the fundamental factors influencing inter-foulant and foulant-membrane interactions during simulated dissolved organic matter removal using ceramic nanofiltration. Fouling tests were performed using sodium alginate (SAL), humic acid (HA) and bovine serum albu
This study presents an investigation on the fate of natural organic matter (NOM) and its dynamics throughout the treatment train at various drinking water treatment plants (WTP) in South Africa. The characteristics, concen