Communication Handbook aims to define common principles of internal
communication throughout project lifetime ( 48 months). I t i s assumed to be a living document and can be updated as required throughout the project.
REPAiR assumes the following types of communication to take p
Communication Handbook aims to define common principles of internal
communication throughout project lifetime ( 48 months). I t i s assumed to be a living document and can be updated as required throughout the project.
REPAiR assumes the following types of communication to take place in the course of project: internal and external. Internal communication is anticipated to occur at
organizational, WP team and consortium levels. Such communication will be conducted with the means of standardized communication tools in form of defined
communication channels. The second type of communication comprises external
communication with target groups of end users by implementing assumed means of dissemination. Both internal and external communication are expected to engage direct and indirect means of communication.@en