Bioreceptivity is a natural phenomenon that has been observed on building material for many years. Bioreceptivity is when materials are being colonized by one or more species of living organisms without necessarily going under biodeterioration. (Guillitte, 1995) Based on the lite
Bioreceptivity is a natural phenomenon that has been observed on building material for many years. Bioreceptivity is when materials are being colonized by one or more species of living organisms without necessarily going under biodeterioration. (Guillitte, 1995) Based on the literature, bioreceptivity depends on three main factors: on climatic conditions, the topology of the colonized element and the material.
By considering these variables, this research focuses on engineering a workflow capable of supporting bioreceptivity-oriented design. More specifically, it investigates how computational performance analysis and optimization can support the integration of bioreceptive materials in customizable building elements, which could be produced by digital fabrication.
For research purposes, the research is split in two main parts which run in parallel. This research takes as a case study mosses, which generally cannot withstand high solar radiation and are dependent on water for their survival and reproduction.
The first part, investigates on a digital model, how surface topology modifications could improve bioreceptivity by reducing the solar radiation of a surface while directing water over them. This is approached by a script which examines through a case study, to what extent the solar radiation of a surface topology could be reduced through topological modifications and which factors influence it. Even if the average solar radiation of the case study was significantly reduced through an optimization process, it is not clear to what degree topology can contribute to the improvement of bioreceptivity because this fact can only be validated physically.
The second part, focuses on lime-based mortars and examines how their composition can affect bioreceptivity. Based on the literature, material properties like high water capacity, high water retention, permeability and high total porosity can benefit bioreceptivity. Four different lime-based mortars were tested, through laboratory experiments, seeking the relation between their water transport behavior and bioreceptivity. Grain size distribution in combination with binder to aggregate ratio are the main factors which influence mortars’ transport behavior. In order to observe the relation between their water transport behavior and bioreceptivity, a moss growth experiment was conducted in a controlled environment. The short timeframe of the experiment makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.
The methodology that was developed in these two parts, is finally attempted to be combined in a bioreceptivity-oriented design approach in order to express a new architectural vocabulary. Through a research-by-design approach, three design approaches are conceptualized, compared and prototyped, raising the potential of bioreceptive applications.