Mirja Illikainen
4 records found
Analysis of alkali-activated mineral wool-slag binders
Evaluating the differences between one-part and two-part variations
Two synthesis pathways (one- and two-part) in alkali-activated binders were compared using ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), mineral wool (MW) activated using dry and liquid alkali activators with similar Na2O/SiO2 modulus. The effect of activato
The pursuit of low-carbon binders as alternatives to Portland cement has
sparked interest in developing alkali-activated materials (AAM).1
Using municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash as precursor
for AAM has attracted increasing attention as it offers
In recent years, the widespread application of waste incineration technology has led to an increased generation of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash. There is growing interest in the use of MSWI bottom ash as a mineral resource to produce construction materials
Abstract: The increasing amount of fluidized bed combustion (FBC) ash is putting pressure on researchers to invent novel methods for utilizing the ash. The low reactivity and heavy metal content constrict the use of FBC ash in the same way as coal ash from pulverized combustion.