The discrete membrane model is a Gaussian random interface whose inverse covariance is given by the discrete biharmonic operator on a graph. In literature almost all works have considered the field as indexed over Zd, and this enabled one to study the model using methods from par
The discrete membrane model is a Gaussian random interface whose inverse covariance is given by the discrete biharmonic operator on a graph. In literature almost all works have considered the field as indexed over Zd, and this enabled one to study the model using methods from partial differential equations. In this article we would like to investigate the dependence of the membrane model on a different geometry, namely trees. The covariance is expressed via a random walk representation which was first determined by Vanderbei in (Ann Probab 12:311–314, 1984). We exploit this representation on m-regular trees and show that the infinite volume limit on the infinite tree exists when m≥ 3. Further we determine the behavior of the maximum under the infinite and finite volume measures.