Matteo Cardaioli
12 records found
Blurred face detection & recognition for privacy-friendly continuous authentication
Authentication and de-authentication phases should occur at the beginning and end of secure user sessions, respectively. A secure session requires the user to pass the former, but the latter is often underestimated or ignored. Unattended or dangling sessions expose users to well-
We Can Hear Your PIN Drop
An Acoustic Side-Channel Attack on ATM PIN Pads
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are the most common user authentication method for in-person banking transactions at ATMs. The US Federal Reserve reported that, in 2018, PINs secured 31.4 billion transactions in the US, with an overall worth of US$ 1.19 trillion. One well-
Privacy-Friendly De-Authentication with BLUFADE
Blurred Face Detection
Ideally, secure user sessions should start and end with authentication and de-Authentication phases, respectively. While the user must pass the former to start a secure session, the latter's importance is often ignored or underestimated. Dangling or unattended sessions expose use
For Your Voice Only
Exploiting Side Channels in Voice Messaging for Environment Detection
Voice messages are an increasingly popular method of communication, accounting for more than 200 million messages a day. Sending audio messages requires a user to invest lesser effort than texting while enhancing the message’s meaning by adding an emotional context (e.g., irony).
Face the Truth
Interpretable Emotion Genuineness Detection
The identification of emotions conveyed by faces as genuine or not is a topic under-explored. While some controversial insights are available for happiness (where genuine happiness is supposed to create crow's feet around the eyes), nothing is known regarding other emotions. This
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) represent the most used system for withdrawing cash. The European Central Bank reported more than 11 billion cash withdrawals and loading/unloading transactions on the European ATMs in 2019. Although ATMs have undergone various technological evolu
It's a Matter of Style
Detecting Social Bots through Writing Style Consistency
Social bots are computer algorithms able to produce content and interact with other users on social media autonomously, trying to emulate and possibly influence humans' behavior. Indeed, bots are largely employed for malicious purposes, like spreading disinformation and condition
Malingering Scraper
A Novel Framework to Reconstruct Honest Profiles from Malingerer Psychopathological Tests
Malingered responses to psychological testing are frequent when monetary incentives or other forms of rewards are at stake. Psychological symptoms are usually identified through clinical questionnaires which, however, may be easily inflated by malingered responses (fake-bad). A f
Detecting Identity Deception in Online Context
A Practical Approach Based on Keystroke Dynamics
Keystroke dynamics has been recently proved to be an effective behavioral measure to detect subjects who provide false demographic information in online contexts. However, current techniques still suffer from some limits that restrict their practical application, such as the use
Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are widely used as the primary authentication method for Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Point of Sale (PoS). ATM and PoS typically mitigate attacks including shoulder-surfing by displaying dots on their screen rather than PIN digits, a
The growth of social media and the people interconnection led to the digitalization of communication. Nowadays the most influential politicians or scientific communicators use the media to disseminate news or decisions. However, such communications media can be used maliciously t
Predicting Twitter Users' Political Orientation
An Application to the Italian Political Scenario
Recently, the increasing spread of Online Social Networks (OSNs) provided an unprecedented opportunity of analysing online traces of human behaviour to get insight on individuals and society. Among the others, the possibility of predicting users' political orientation relying on