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D de Waard
Academic Work (22)
Book (1)
Book chapter (6)
Conference paper (4)
Journal article (11)
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22 records found
Studying the role of vision in cycling: Critique on restricting research of fixation behaviour
Journal article (2013) -
JP Schepers (author)
BPLMD Brinker (author)
D de Waard (author)
DAM Twisk (author)
AL Schwab (author)
AL Schwab (author)
A.L. Schwab (author)
A.L. Schwab (author)
Arend Schwab (author)
Arend Schwab (author)
Arend L. Schwab (author)
Arend L. Schwab (author)
A. L. Schwab (author)
A. L. Schwab (author)
JBJ Smeets (author)
Effects of alcohol (BAC 0.5%) and ecstasy (MDMA 100 mg) on simulated driving performance and traffic safety
Journal article (2012) -
JL veldstra (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
BHW Molmans (author)
AG Verstraete (author)
G Skopp (author)
R Jantos (author)
Scrum in Sales: How to improve account management and sales processes
Conference paper (2011) -
Rini van Solingen (author)
Rini van van Solingen (author)
Rini Van Solingen (author)
Rini van Van Solingen (author)
Rini van Solingen (author)
D.M. Solingen (author)
Rini Solingen (author)
D.M. Van Solingen (author)
D.M. van Solingen (author)
J Sutherland (author)
D de Waard (author)
Merging into heavy motorway traffic by young and elderly drivers
Journal article (2009) -
D de Waard (author)
C. Dijksterhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
The interaction between driving and in-vehicle information systems: Comparison of results from laboratory, simulator and real-world studies
Journal article (2005) -
Jorge Santos (author)
Natasha Merat (author)
Sandra Mouta (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
Evaluation of legibility of not properly reflecting signs
Journal article (2005) -
D de Waard (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
Jolieke Mesken (author)
Design and implementation of Driver Drowsiness Warning Systems
Conference paper (2004) -
D de Waard (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
C.M. Weikert (author)
In search of the golden yardstick
Conference paper (2004) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
Conference paper (2004) -
D de Waard (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
M.C. Noordmans (author)
J.H. Hogema (author)
R.M. Visscher (author)
Criteria for driver impairment
Journal article (2004) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
SH Fairclough (author)
Why is Driver Impairment Difficult to Assess?
Book chapter (2004) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
Estimating mental effort using heart rate
Book chapter (2004) -
LJM Mulder (author)
D de Waard (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
How much visual road information is needed to drive safely and comfortably?
Journal article (2004) -
D de Waard (author)
FJJM Steyvers (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
Effects of MDMA (ecstasy), and multiple drugs use on (simulated) driving performance and traffic safety
Journal article (2004) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
N. Samyn (author)
On the assessment of [mental] Workload and other subjective qualifications.
Journal article (2003) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
How important is driver fatigue and what can we do about it?
Book chapter (2003) -
KA Brookhuis (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
JH Kraaij (author)
Evaluation of the comprehensibility of various designs of a full colour information panel
Book chapter (2002) -
A Roskam (author)
D de Waard (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
Human Factors in Transportation, Communication, Health, and the Workplace
Book (2002) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)
Plasma, oral fluid and sweat wipe ecstacy concentrations in controlled and real life conditions
Journal article (2002) -
N. Samyn (author)
G. de Boeck (author)
M Wood (author)
C.T.J. Lamers (author)
D de Waard (author)
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
Book chapter (2002) -
Karel Brookhuis (author)
K. Brookhuis (author)
KA Brookhuis (author)
K.A. Brookhuis (author)
D de Waard (author)