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A.C. Fey-den Boer
Academic Work (14)
Conference paper (1)
Journal article (13)
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14 records found
Metastability Thresholds for Anisotropic Bootstrap Percolation in Three Dimensions
Journal article (2012) -
ACD Enter (author)
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
Limiting Shapes for a Non-Abelian Sandpile Growth Model and Related Cellular Automata
Journal article (2011) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
H. Liu (author)
Growth rates and explosions in sandpiles
Journal article (2010) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
L Levine (author)
Y Peres (author)
Approach to criticality in sandpiles
Journal article (2010) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
L Levine (author)
DB Wilson (author)
Driving sandpiles to criticality and beyond
Journal article (2010) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
L Levine (author)
DB Wilson (author)
Stability in one-dimensional random Boolean cellular automata
Journal article (2010) -
F.M. Dekking (author)
Michel Michel Dekking (author)
F. M. Dekking (author)
FM Michel Dekking (author)
F. Dekking (author)
FM Dekking (author)
F.M. Michel Dekking (author)
F. M. Michel Dekking (author)
F. Michel Michel Dekking (author)
F. Michel Dekking (author)
F. Michel Dekking (author)
Michel Dekking (author)
LM van Driel (author)
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
Uniqueness of the stationary distributions and stabilizability in Zhang's sandpile model
Journal article (2009) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
H. Liu (author)
R Meester (author)
jarenlang speelplezier / spelen met zandhopen
Journal article (2009) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
Stabilizability and percolation in the infinite volume sandpile model
Journal article (2009) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
R Meester (author)
F Redig (author)
Limiting shapes for deterministic centrally seeded growth models
Journal article (2008) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
F Redig (author)
Zelforganisatie, beeldhouwen in een wiskundig onderzoek
Journal article (2008) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
A probabilistic approach to zhangs's sandpile model
Journal article (2008) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
R Meester (author)
C Quant (author)
F Redig (author)
Distributed Simulation in Industry - A survey Part 3 - The HLA standard in Industry
Conference paper (2008) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
A. de Bruin (author)
Alexander Verbraeck (author)
A Verbraeck (author)
A. Verbraeck (author)
Large deviations for eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices, with applications to mobile communications systems
Journal article (2008) -
A.C. Fey-den Boer (author)
RW van Hofstad (author)
MJ Klok (author)