Otto D.L. Strack
5 records found
The objective of this paper is to present an analytic element formulation for groundwater flow in multiaquifer systems. Analytic element equations are presented for wells, line-sinks, and circular infiltration areas. Each analytic element is a solution to the governing system of
Two of the complicating factors in modeling the regional groundwater flow at Yucca Mountain are the large distance to hydrogeologic boundaries and the large thickness of the aquifer; the hydrogeologic boundaries are up to 500 km away from Yucca Mountain, and the aquifer is up to
Procedures are presented for delineating capture zones of pumping wells. First, an algorithm is presented for determining the envelopes of the capture zones by the use of the locations of stagnation points. Second, it is discussed how the streamlines are determined that separate
Comparisons are made between Dupuit‐Forchheimer solutions and solutions to the differential equation governing flow with variable density. The solutions apply to flow in the vertical plane in aquifers confined by two horizontal impervious boundaries. The comparisons serve as a va