Rob Collins

5 records found

Accepted submission for NORDES Doctoral Consortium 2023 (to be published in the Extended Abstracts) My research concerns Designing for Contestable Systems1. Looking into how we can negotiate and contextualise automated decision systems at the front-end and address power imbalance ...

Sensing Care Through Design

A Speculative Role-play Approach to "Living with" Sensor-supported Care Networks

Sensor networks are increasingly commonplace in visions of smart cities and future healthcare systems, promising greater efficiency and increased wellbeing. However, the design of these technologies remains focused on specific users and fragmented by context, overlooking the dive ...

The Contestation Café

A Manifesto for Contestation: Prototyping an agonistic place

The Contestation Manifesto and its associated paraphernalia are artefacts from a speculative, near-future community action known as the Contestation Café. Being one in a series of research through design projects on contestation, the Contestation Café is a critical, yet also prac ...