45 records found
Design principles and criteria-iv.1
Squat effects of very large container ships with drift in a harbor environment
Goal-based standards (GBS): the international ship & offshore structures congress (ISSC) View
Towards a risk-based approach of intact stability of ships in a seaway
Integrated safety assessment of small container ships
Design Principles and Criteria
Capsize probability analysis for a small container vessel
Fuel cell technology in ships: potential applications in different market segments and a roadmap for further developments
Study on harbour ferry with fuel cells
Applying meta-models to the probabilistic damage stability
Safety assessment of small container feeders
On the feasibility of nuclear versus combustion gas turbine propulsion for high-speed cargo ships
Initial safety assessment of small container feeders: a study into stability sensitivity of low freeboard ships, summary report
Delftbase, an estimation and design tool for the pre-contract phase in ship design
Systematic incident/accident analysis for safety assessment and reliability studies, applied to large passenger vessels
Initial safety assessment of small container feeders: literature report and background information
Reliability analysis of dynamic structures