Timothy R. Julian
3 records found
Preventing failures of water treatment barriers can play an important role in meeting the increasing demand for microbiologically safe water. The development and integration of failure prevention strategies into quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) offer opportunities to
Hands Are Frequently Contaminated with Fecal Bacteria and Enteric Pathogens Globally
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Enteric pathogen infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, with the highest disease burden in low-income countries. Hands act as intermediaries in enteric pathogen transmission, transferring enteric pathogens between people and the environment through co
Waterborne enteric viruses in lakes, especially at recreational water sites, may have a negative impact on human health. However, their fate and transport in lakes are poorly understood. In this study, we propose a coupled water quality and quantitative microbial risk assessment